Inno Setup Check If Software Is Installed

Inno Setup Check If Software Is Installed Average ratng: 6,1/10 4712votes

Hi, I developed an application based on Access and Word 2007 (or later versions) and I'm using Inno Setup to deploy it onto the user's computer. My script schould: a) check if Word is installed and which version is. B) check if Access is installed and which version is. C) check if Access RunTime is installed and which version is. If Word 2007 (or later) is not installed, setup will finish. If Access 2007 (or later) is not installed, it will search for Access Runtime 2007 (or later); if it is not installed will install it (which version?). I made an extensive search on the web and found various different approch, but very fews of them are adequate to (only) the setting on my computer.

Support the Inno Setup project. Don't forget to check out the Inno. On Windows Server 2003 to install in 64. Inno Setup is copyrighted software. Dear all I have a windows application, I deploy my application using INNO setup Now I want to check installed Microsoft excel software version from registry How can I. How do I detect whether the user already installed the software and if so, how to offer the possibility of removing the old version? Steven Erikson Epub. [Inno Setup] Check if Net. How do I check if exist registry key and exit setup. Must be able to check if previous program installed or not. Software Jordan Russell Inno Setup.

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[I have Windows 8.1 with Office 2010 and 2013 installed] In an ideal world I should check a key (the same for all versions of windows and Office) in the Registry (the most obvious place would be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Office [or Windows.CurrentVersion]) to see the applications installed, with relative installation path, version, etc. But it doesn't seem the case. 1) Someone advise to see: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Office and enumerate trough this key to see if [12],[13],[14][15] are there (ie the office version). In my registry indeed I have [14] end [15]. But I could have installed a version of Office without ACCESS. 2) Someone else advise to look after the installation path, but in different ways: a) HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion App Paths MSACCESS.EXE or winword.exe b) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Office [##].[#] Access InstallRoot The solution 2a) in my computer is correct, but it will only check that the file MSACCESS.EXE is on my computer, not which version is. The solution 2b) is unviable because I do not have such a key!

[but it is the most popular on the web!] 3) Others to look at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall (But the numbers there are a really mess and I suppose are different in different country) 2) Someone else advise to see: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Word.Application/CurVer. It really look a mess to me. And that only for Word and Access; for the Access Runtime I do not know where to look. Could you give me some advise? You may try following functions.

If the runtime is installed then you may get a security warning. Reason: the runtime doesn't allow to be opened with createObject(). But if we open the MDB with with a FollowHyperlink this will open the runtime and then we can use getObject() for the MDB to get an OLE instance to read the version. So what I did: If the full version isn't found then I create a temporary MDB, open this one with FollowHyperlink and then try to get an object. If I can't also the runtime isn't installed.

Shirt Affiliate Programs. You may try following functions. If the runtime is installed then you may get a security warning. Reason: the runtime doesn't allow to be opened with createObject(). But if we open the MDB with with a FollowHyperlink this will open the runtime and then we can use getObject() for the MDB to get an OLE instance to read the version. So what I did: If the full version isn't found then I create a temporary MDB, open this one with FollowHyperlink and then try to get an object.