Six Sigma Kano Template Resume

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I will be the first to admit that I still have a few cases of 8-track tapes. For those too young to know what 8-track tapes are, please ask your parents. As a customer who purchased a lot of music, my needs were simple.

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I wanted clearer sound and something smaller to store. The music industry responded and introduced the cassette.

The cassette was indeed smaller. It did not fade out and then back in with that annoying “click” that my 8-track tapes used to have. I was pleased with my cassette collection. Then suddenly, the music industry introduced something called a CD – a compact disc. The CD offered better clarity, more storage capacity and the ability to jump to specific songs, or shuffle the order of their play. Inner Space Game Regestration Code more. Best of all, one never had to rewind!

Six Sigma Kano Template Resume

The point is simple. As a customer, my needs changed. In the move to CDs, I did not realize my needs had changed but the music industry, through research, keeping up with the competition and advances in technology, delighted me with new product offerings. Even today as my CDs are dust covered because I only utilize my iPod, new advances in music technology are being made to further address music customer needs. The Kano Analysis How does a company analyze customer needs?

How can it easily determine what delights customers or what their basic needs are? One powerful technique to address these questions has been developed by Professor Noriaki Kano of Tokyo Rika University, and his colleagues. This is Kano’s theory: For some customer requirements, customer satisfaction is proportional to the extent to which the product or service is fully functional. The Kano model addresses the three types of requirements: • Satisfying basic needs: Allows a company to get into the market.

• Satisfying performance needs: Allows a company to remain in the market. • Satisfying excitement needs: Allows a company to excel, to be world class. Dissatisfiers or Basic Needs – Expected features or characteristics of a product or service (legible forms, correctly spelled name, basic functionality). These needs are typically “unspoken.” If these needs are not fulfilled, the customer will be extremely dissatisfied. An example of an “unspoken” need when staying at a hotel is cleanliness. This includes a clean bathroom, clean linens and a pleasant, fresh aroma in the air. At&t Phone E2562 Manual. When a person books a reservation at a hotel, they do not request a clean room.

They expect it. If this basic need is not met, they will be extremely dissatisfied.