Namco Galaxian S

The Namco Galaxian was an 8-bit arcade game system board, which was first used by Namco for Galaxian in 1979; it was the first board from the company to use the Zilog. Galaxian is a fixed-shooter developed and published by Namco in 1979. Here you can play galaxian online for free.
Galaxian © 1979 Namco. Galaxian is a legendary single-screen shoot-em-up that took everything that made Taito's ground-breaking ' so good, and improved upon it on every level. Each screen starts with a wave of multi-colored aliens moving left and right at the top of the screen; the aliens quickly break ranks and start dive-bombing the Galaxip (player's ship) - either in single units or in groups of 3 - dropping multiple missiles as they descend. All of the aliens need to be destroyed before the player can progress to the next wave. - CAST OF CHARACTERS - Galaxip: This is the name of the ship which you control at the bottom of the screen.
Galaxian: These attacking aliens come in three varieties: blue, purple, and red. They begin in formation at the top of the screen and will occasionally swoop down to attack you before returning to their position in the formation.
Flagship: At least two of these appear at the top of the formation at the start of each stage. They will swoop down to attack with one or two red Galaxians if any are nearby. If a flagship is one of the last enemies left of the screen, it will run away and appear as a third Flagship at the start of the next stage. Click to enlarge (members only)This was the first title to use the now familiar 'Namco Cabinet', which was used for Galaxian, 'Galaga', 'Pac-Man', 'Ms. Several other titles used nearly identical cabinets as well.
These machines are white, with painted sideart of a green dragonfly alien (done up in blue, green. The marquee is rather large and displays a blue and green 'Galaxian' logo (which is painted on a sheet of glass, they don't make them like that anymore). The control panel and monitor bezel are not highly decorated, but do feature some game instructions. Finally this machine uses neon green t-molding (edge trim), it is difficult to find replacement trim in that same exact shade. The earliest Galaxian machines used a 25-inch G02 monitor, but later machines shipped with the standard 19-inch Electrohome G07 monitor. Any normal standard resolution arcade monitor should work as a replacement. 'Pac-Man' PCBs will work in Galaxian machines, but require a 4-way joystick, instead of the 2-way model that Galaxian normally has.
The sound pinout is also different, so one would need to rewire the connector to hear any Pac-Man sounds. You can also plug a Galaxian PCB into a Pac-Man. Again, the sound would need to be wired up at the connector and you'd have to push UP on the joystick to fire. Worth Booger Softball Bat Sale more. Main CPU: Zilog Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz) Sound Chips: Tone generator and discrete circuits Players: 2 Control: 2-way Joystick Buttons: 1 (FIRE) Alternate Japanese cabinet versions): Buttons: 3 (LEFT, RIGHT, FIRE). Galaxian was released in October 1979 in Japan. Galaxian was the first video game to be released with 100 percent of its graphics displayed in true R.G.B.
Space battles of all kinds played a major role during the golden age of video games. With the introduction of Galaxian, players were transported to the most colorful and challenging space battle yet.
* A place in video game history: 'Galaxian captivated the minds of quite a few arcade enthusiasts,' said Chris Lindsey, director of the National Video Game and Coin-Op Museum in St. 'It was a relatively early entry in the golden age of video games, and it capitalized on the enthusiasm created by the earlier video game classic, 'Space Invaders', while providing a more colorful, enjoyable, and demanding gaming experience. Galaxian had smarter bad guys than 'Space Invaders', and it demanded that the player really pay attention to what was going on. 907 Pc 331 Software.
And there were no shields, like many games have today. You really had to stay on the ball. Galaxian also had great sound and used elements that have since become standard -- such as flags and other symbols to mark the player's progression through different levels of game play.'