Java Histogram Program

Java Histogram Program Average ratng: 9,5/10 2503votes
Histogram Java Program

Java - Arrays and strings [ Arrays and strings Histogram program (v1). The histogram program (first version) Here is a simple program that uses an array. So I have a method that I call to my main which takes an array of 10 numbers and creates a histogram output in a nested for loop. How To Install Windows 7 Usb Dvd Download Tool there. I can't figure out how to get the. I need to design an application that makes a histogram that visually shows the. Creating a histogram. Creating an instant messenger program in java - 35. Aug 30, 2012 So I have to create a program that generates an arbitrary number of random integers in the range of 0 to 10 inclusive and counts how many occurrences.

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Benford Histogram Java Program

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Code that is not indented is EXTREMELY hard to read, and those 1% who might attempt to read your code will probably stop once they realize it's not formatted right. 4) Make it as easy as possible for someone to help you. Everyone here has limited time to give.

The less time they have to spend trying to figure out what help you may need, the more likely they are to be able to solve your problem.

Hi Atlanta15Braves, looking at your class name I think you have this task as your homework:P so, I don't think it's a good idea to give out the solution to you, but I'll be happy to provide you the guidelines and all you have to do is convert it to Java. • Read the numbers • Store these numbers in an array • Create 10 counters for 1 to 10, 2 to 20., 91 to 100 ranges • Initialise these counters to zero • Check if a number is between any of the ranges defined in step 3 in a for loop • Increase the counter for that range by 1 if the number happens to be in a certain range • Print out the number of stars you have for all 10 ranges (for example, if 11 to 20 range's counter value is 4, then print 4 stars using a loop) If the steps are not clear, don't hesitate to ask in more detail. I am getting error messages Please post the full text of the error messages you need help with. Go read this again: Where is the code that reads in and saves the input to be shown in the histograms? I suggest that you do the project in steps: 1) read in and save the input in the array 2) print out the contents of the array using the Arrays class's toString() method to format the array for printing.

When the program does those two steps, look at how to print the array's contents in a histogram. Edited 5 Years Ago by NormR1.