Indigo Renderer Plugin

Indigo Renderer Plugin Average ratng: 9,2/10 3501votes

Indigo Render Export Notes render of the demo scene click to go back to the download page/install notes/video tutorials The Demo Scene The demo scene is a simple room with a hole cut in the wall for the sky light environment to shine through. The direction of the sky light is determined by a directional light in the scene named 'Sky'. It's pivot point is at the origin.

Indigo Renderer is an unbiased, photorealistic GPU and CPU renderer aimed at ultimate image quality, by accurately simulating the physics of light.

The shapes at the top of the room are meshes with emitter materials. The floor uses a script material downloaded from the Indigo website. The chair and table have the same simple phong color material. The 4 ball materials on the table are from left to right: Specular, Specular(transparent), Glossy Transparent and nkdata Phong gold materal. The scene also uses an exit portal in the window for a more efficient render. To unpackage the demo scene use the file menu to load the scene file, skylightScene into truespace.

Don't use the library to load it. Right click the indigo icon or click the 'scene package' button in the default aspect of the indigo panel to open the scene packager panel. Click 'unpackage the scene'. Now it should render on your machine.

Truespace realtime display and an ies profile light version of the scene light layers usage shows all layers on and layers 0 and 3(white and blue) turned off Some usage notes: Scene material instancing must be on to use the D3D Indigo materials. The Clintons3dplugin.rsx plugin must be loaded for the Indigo exporter to use the D3D Indigo materials. If both these conditions are not true then nothing will happen or you will get a gray colorless render.

Check manual: chapter 5.3.4 Workflow - Material Instancing: Scene Mode The D3D materials must be unique in the eyes of truespace or material merging will occur. For example you can have two script materials using different files, but the truespace material editor won't see the difference and will remove one of them.

Press the randomize button to apply a random specular value to make them unique. Left to right: Diffuse Color, Diffuse Color Bitmap, Diffuse Color Bitmap and Bump If Base Emission is not black then the mesh will act like a light. The left image above shows this. The Light Layer is used to control which channel the light will occupy. The diffuse type of material is controlled by the radio buttons.

Use the Bump Preview button to see a representation of the bump map in the viewport. A large bumpmap can take time to generate. Indigo materials can be downloaded from the Indigo website. They come in 2 file formats, igm and pigm. Use the 'D3Dindigoscript' material to use these materials in the render. Choose the igm file when editing the material.

The pigm is really a zip file. Burning Spear Spear Burning Rar. Rename the file with a zip extension, unzip it and point to the igm file in the resulting folder. They have a simple placeholder texture when shown in the truespace viewport.If the downloaded material has image files included you can use the image for a preview instead. The zip archive contains the installer, an indigoEnvironment node, a sample packaged scene, Indigo D3D materials and the I_exitportal for converting meshes to exit. When you push the indigo button the panel view will open to the default aspect of the indigo exporter.

Push export and an igs file is written and the indigo application is run to render it. The indigoEnvironment node will be added to each scene. Create a truespace light and rename it to 'Sky' to control the indigo skylight direction. It's existence will override the environment settings for horizontal and vertical degrees. The rectangle lights cannot be rotated they always point downward.

To use an ies light profile create a spotlight and run the on it or create plane mesh and add the indigoIES node into it. Be sure to assign an emitter material to the spotlight or no light will be produced.

Click the button to choose the ies file. The light will shine in the direction of the plane's normal.

Place the I_exitportal node inside a mesh to convert it to an exit portal. Exit portals are generally used to light an interior scene with light from the outside. The normal of the exit portals faces must point into the interior.