Biztalk File Adapter Context Properties

Biztalk File Adapter Context Properties Average ratng: 5,2/10 3073votes
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This property is set on a context implicitly when an orchestration sends a message to a send port. This property can also be set explicitly in an orchestration or in a pipeline. Xs:string: Specifies the type of adapter used to send the message. The available adapter types are FILE, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, SOAP, and SQL. How to Configure a File Send Port. Not have a value on the message context, the File send handler uses. The File Adapter Configuration Properties for a. Ishmael An Adventure Of The Mind And Spirit Pdf.

I have a BizTalk 2009 send port that uses the%datetime_bts2000% macro in the file name. When I look at the tracked message event, I don't get the name of the actual file that was sent. I thought I could get it from the context property: OutboundTransportLocation SFTP:// 10324 Promoted It turns out that the date is equivalent to my deployment date.